Friday, June 22, 2012

Greatest Movie Villains (in my opinion…) (and not in an order)

1)      Col. Hans Landa
Played By: Christoph Waltz in Inglourious Basterds (2009)

The Villain: This Jew Hunter raises up the pulses whenever he appears on screen in Tarantino’s movie. Especially in the opening scene where Landa toys with a French farmer, knowing all the while that he is hiding a family of Jews in his basement.

Meanest Moment: The way in which he ruthlessly exposes the aforementioned farmer’s deception, before summarily executing his stowaways.

2)     Tony Montana
Played By: Al Pacino in Scarface (1983)

The Villain: Tony Montana aka Scarface was a Cuban refugee who set out to pursue the American dream  in the quickest way possible, which, in his case, involved murder with chainsaws, snorting mountains of cocaine and an inability to say anything without swearing..

Meanest Moment:Receiving tons of bullets in the body and still standing against a Colombian Mafia Army…

3)     Alex DeLarge
Played By: Malcolm McDowell in A Clockwork Orange (1971)

The Villain: The terrible embodiment of a society gone mad, Alex lives on a diet of drug-enhanced milk, brutal violence and sexual assault. According to The Daily Mail, this is where we’ll be as a country sometime in the next year or so…

Meanest Moment: “Mean” is probably a underselling it a bit, but the rape of a woman whose husband he’s just crippled is probably the worst thing on his rap-sheet.

4)     Zé Pequeno  

Played By:Leandro Firmino in City of God (Cidade de Deus) (2002)

The Villain:Ze, who was born in the wild ghettos of Rio, is a self made, self taught, hell-raiser.. And even harder than a coffin nail..

Meanest Moment: His cold blooded brothel massacre scene ... while he was at the age wearing short pants…

5)     Nicky Santoro
Played By: Joe Pesci in Casino (1995)

The Villain: A psychopath, who would kill anyone he saw as a threat. A prime example was when Nicky stabbed a man in the neck with a pen after he had insulted Ace.

Meanest Moment: Of course Nicky’s scene with  Tony Dogs’ head in the vise.. Also, his own murder can easily be his meanest moment as well..

6)     Hannibal Lecter

Played By: Anthony Hopkins in The Silence Of The Lambs (1991), Hannibal (2001) and Red Dragon (2002)

The Villain: A taunting mastermind who likes nothing more than the taste of human flesh. Except for messing with the heads of the FBI that is.

Meanest Moment: Forcing Ray Liotta to chow down on his own brain, one spoonful at a time.

7)     Lord Voldemort

Played By: Ralph Fiennes in Harry Potter Series

The Villain: The meanest, the cruellest, most powerful wizard who ever lived, whose mission in life has become the pursuit and murder of a teenage boy.

Meanest Moment: Killing Harry’s parents before attempting to do the same to their infant son.

8)     Nurse Ratched

      Played By: Louise Fletcher in One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest (1975)

The Villain: The demonic Nurse Ratched. Treating her patients as prisoners to be subdued rather than treated, she’s the most loathsome embodiment of The Man ever seen on the big screen.

Meanest Moment: Ordering a partial lobotomy for McMurphy, leaving the rabble-rousing anti-hero a catatonic shell.

9)     Darth Vader

Played By: David Prowse and James Earl Jones (voice) in Star Wars: The Original Trilogy (1977-1983)

The Villain: The black clad embodiment of evil, Vader casts a strong and long shadow over the galaxy far, far away and the planet of movies in general.

Meanest Moment: Wordlessly crushing the wind from a subordinate’s throat is pretty hard-hearted. And then there was all that business with his son…

10) The Joker

Played By: Heath Ledger in The Dark Knight (2008)

The Villain: Gotham City’s man without a plan is unquestionably Batman’s most fearsome nemesis, and a rare example of a villain who isn’t keen on world domination, or even personal gain. He just wants to watch the world burn, which makes him so much more terrifying.

Meanest Moment: Hoodwinking poor Batman by feeding him the wrong information as to Rachel’s whereabouts. The pencil trick is cool, this is just plain sadistic…